Real-Draw Pro
This download looks more complex than Paintbrush, but less confusing than more professional programs like CorelDRAW. People familiar with either of those programs will instantly feel at home with Real-Draw, thanks to its traditional interface. The center of the screen is dominated by the drawing space, while the left side holds all the drawing tools, the right features the more complex controls professionals desire, and the middle offers fun options for creating textures and even 3D lighting. Drawing with Real-Draw Pro is both intuitive and slightly confusing. People will be pleased with the single, smooth step for selecting a tool from the left side menu and using a mouse to create the design. The menu along the right side will be a slight snag for novice users, since options like Bevel, Layer, and the program's confusing color chart seem intended for those with professional training.
Even though some of the options are confusing, creating art with Real-Draw was very simple and people should have no problem finding an immediate comfort zone. This 30-day trial offers a little something for everyone and makes a fine download.

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