

WebCopier downloads Web sites to your computer, and allows you to view and print them at any time. WebCopier can copy or print whole sites or sections. Your saved pages can be copied onto disks and CDs, so you can take your Web-snapshot with you.

Companies can use WebCopier to transfer company's intranet contents to staff desktops and notebooks, create a copy of companies' online catalogs and brochures for sales personal, backup corporate web sites, print downloaded files. Individuals can use WebCopier to save complete copies of their favorite sites, magazines or stock quotes. Students can download enormous amounts of information from the Internet for later study. Teachers can download whole sites so their students can view them later offline. Developers may use this tool to analyze Web site's structure, or find dead links on a Web site.

WebCopier is in the Offline Browsers category of the Browsers section.

What's new in this version: Version 5.3 improves HTML parser.

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