

BlackWidow is a multi-function internet and webmaster tool. It is a web site downloader, site mapping tool, a site ripper, a site mirroring tool, a website scanner, network spy, and a download manager. Use it to scan a site and create a complete profile of the site's structure, files, external links and even link errors. Then use it to download part or entire web site to your computer, with its structure and files intact, to use as a site mirror or for long-term reference. Or use it to scan for and download any selection of files: from JPG to CGI to HTM to MIME types, from small to large files, in part of a site or in a group of sites. These pre-scan filtering options can save you countless online hours of searching and sorting. BlackWidow will scan HTTP sites, SSL sites (HTTPS), FTP sites, proxy servers. It will accesses password protected sites, use threads, pull links from Java Scripts and Java Scripts files, will scan Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) files for links. BlackWidow will download all file types such as picture and image, from JPG to PNG, audio and MP3, video such as YouTube, MySpace, Google, AVI, document, ZIP, Flash, program, CSS, Macromedia Flash, .pdf , PHP, CGI, HTM to MIME types from any web sites. Will pull links from Java Scripts and Java Scripts files, will scan Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) files for links from any web site. This feature is especially useful to find hidden links to files, or to spot redirections to other URLs. Use it when loading a page to find out what files and images are being loaded, then download them, or even the links to popup windows. BlackWidow can be controlled programmatically using the built-in Script Interpreter. The "View Source" has been updated to view the source page of every Frames and IFrames.

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